Swiss Land - The play ground of Europe - The world of beauty.The place is all out mind blowing.Well, Swiss, as we have seen in the movies, heard from our near and dear and read in papers, news - IS JUST THE SAME. Its not the settings of DDLJ settings that made it, for Swiss is indeed one of its kind.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness - for sure, but truly for sure is that Switzerland is example of what is meant by cleanliness.....
If at all at any point in time you get to visit Europe ensure that Swiss is in itinery. For its just worth every moment spent in there.
If you are busy and dont have much time to read through the post, you could well stop here. For to sum it all up - Switzerland is beautiful - have just used the most simplest adjective. Keeping metaphor simple and straight. Am actually trying for the best adjectives to describe Switzerland, but finding it tough to get the right words - as it is my vocab is very very average.
Was just bowled over by the Zurich airport on landing...Its huge, but not too huge, but is indeed cute and scenic. Definately a very very beautiful airport and as we were landing and turning back to get placed in out terminal, we could see so many other planes landing in such a scenic background. It was a chilly day in the morning that welcomed us. Left from the Zurich Airport to Orelikon, by the metro to leave our baggage in our friends place. After a 9 hour flight and a 3.5 hours time difference, jet lag must have crept in well, however,being bowled over by initial impressions, there was not mood to be cozy withing the four walls.Then freshening up we left for Zurich city and visited the HQ's of UBS and Credit Swisse. After all, I bankers respect each other :). Then went by the side of the Lake Zurich. Then taking a bus, we went round the various galli's and nukkad's of Zurich by bus and tram.... Nothing to say, was just amazed by the cleanliness of the town and puctuality. Then by evening, we left for Interlaken, a small tourist town near, which is abt an hour from Berne. Interlaken was the place where we were gonna be put up for the rest of our week. Lodged ourselves into out place of stay, riverlodge, which a was a logde lying on the banks of a river :). Interlaken is a such wonderful place, that anyone who just spends and hour there will be bowled over. The town is actually interlocked between two lakes and is surrounded by alps on all the sides. The beauty is something that is worth only to the eyes. Once landing in river lodge, we just freshened a little but and walked round the streets to just get a heck of of the place.Note- We had bought Swiss travel pass - a 8 day pass, for our local travel. That meant we we could travel in all the trains and all the buses and trams, a few local boats/ships. That is indeed a wonderful concept for tourists and must admit that we did xploit a quite a lot and you would get to know of the same as u go by.
Welcomed by a sunny but chilly morning. We went for Schafussen - which is in the north of Swtizerland. There we went to Europe's largest waterfall - Rhine falls. It was not probably a great waterfall, but yeah it had its own beauty which is unique of its own. Schaffausen is in the german border and one could actually get the German feel all over there. Then from there we went for Stein am rhein, which a small mediaval village and very very clourful that it had its own colours and touch of beauty.Then went for St. Gallans and being sunday had the good fortune of attending the Sunday evening prayers as well. Was lucky enough to get the blessing from Father as well. Then later in the evening got back to our place in Interlaken.
We caught the Good Morning train at 6 30 am for Jungfrau - Top Most peak of Alps. It is being Top of the place in Europe. The ride to Jungfrau is one of its kind. There is a special kind of train which takes you to the top of the mountain. Must admit guys - one can not even imaginem, how these guys can construct such high - tech things in such snow capped mountains. Th trains go the the snow capped hills in the peaks and tunnels to take us up to the peak. Jungfrau - which is always covered by Snow all through the year welcomed us with breezing ice. Though we were well prepared with our gowns/jackets and gloves, it just tried to keep us warm. But than, our zeal to enjoy the fact of being in the top of europe and holding ice in hand, kept us going. The beauty of Jungfraus is that one can do anything and evrything in the top. Visited the ice palace, ice museam. We also have Bollywood - Indian restaurant and shopping places - Just a reminder that Swiss land is all about tourism.Just to plug in a sense of pride, there was the ADITYA BIRLA GROUP's ice case there - Taking india to the world, which was indeed nice and sense of pride. The Euro 2008 is happening in September in Swiss and Austria and they leave no scope of advergtsing the same, that they had a mini court of the same on the top of Europe. Spent quite a lot of hours doing various things in the top of the hills and caught the train back. Th train back to Interlaken from Jungfrau was personally the best part of my trip. We came past a place called Grindelwald . It is definatly, personally , the MOST MOST MOST beautiful place. Its just so so wonderful that one can imagine only if you have been a child. :) we have always drawn scenarious as kids. Probably what we would draw, is a couple of hills, a river flowing by, a farm around and houses with rescangular side, square front and triangular top and similar symmetrical houses with cross windows and lots of trees and flowers. And astonishingly, though we, or atleast I have never seen such a scenery when i was a kid always drew such a thing, but must say, those that I drew actually existed.Interestingly, my camera was out of charge on the way thru Grindelwald, may be a sign that i capture those scenic views in my eyes and record them rather than being busy clicking a few. It is so very very beautiful, that SEEING IS BELIEVING. Nothing more am gonna say.
Went to Geneva. Geneva is in the south west of swiss land very much close to France. About 3 hours form Interlaken. Firstly, visited the UN headquater's and went around on a guided tour inside the head quarters. went through the various conferences halls, got to know of some nice insights and some history. Rekindling 8th std cvics. :) Saw the red cross HQ's, saw Lake Geveva,saw the longest fountain in europe which is on Lake Geneva, which is abt 200 mts, truly big. Visited St. Peter's cathedral.The walks in the lanes of Geneva, actually captures what France is. That's wat a collegue of mine who has been to Paris excliamed. Restaurant in the open street and music on the roads. Then from Geneva, went to Montreux (via Lausannae - the famous IMD exits here). Montreux is a small town. It is so small that one side of the town is the lake (lake geneva), the other side is the hill and in the middly are a couple of roads. So small, yet quite cute. Saw the Chillion de plateu castle. Then from there, caught a bus to the samll town of Vevey. Another small town, Saw the HQ of Nestle and also the birth place of Charlie Chaplin, our dear cherry blossom guy, for those who have forgotten him :) . Vevey, also borders with Lake Geneva and the other side of the Lake is Evian, the town of France which is famous for it Evian mineral water. So touched the french border.
Having seen the french bit of swiss thru geneva, montreux and vevey, and also having seen the german part of swiss thru schafaussen, Stein em Rhein. It was indeed a zeal in all of us to get the Italian flavour. But than it meant a 4 hour travel (one way) to the southernmost part of swiss land. But we were all excited of the same to get going and see and feel it. Th travel involved passing through the longest tunnel in Swiss, through the hills and and all the scenaries. The train went on and on and we reached Bellinzona, the capital of the southern canton. There we had a look at a few castles and took a bus to Locarno which was by the lake side. It was another small town with niceities everywhere. The other side of the small lake was Italy.By now there a feel in the difference in the style and architecture of French, German and Italian.Probably the beauty of the day was that no one knew Italian. Forgot to say earlier that. Swiss lanmd - German works in most places especially in the north and French in the east. Luckily we had one on our group who knew french and another who knew German. so we got going with these ppl being translators had helping to get clarifications with guides and routes. But it was probably today that we faced teh challanges as a traveller not knowing the language - Italian as hardly do ppl speak English. But some how as travellers do - we get going and we got going with our enjoyable difficulties.
DAY 6 - Thursday 30th (BERNE, LUZERNE)
The 'night'mare dayStarted xperiencing rains in Swissland. So had to take the umbrella for the day. Wwhen it rains one needs the jackets as well, as these chill winds just keep the jaws chattering. Visited Berne in the morning. Berne, the capital is Swiss land was under construction. The whole city had some repair work and the parliment was under renovation as well, but the beuty of the whole thing is that , if it is repairs everywhere, its just so beautiful. Truly for surely.Visited the bear pits going past the scenic architectures and also Einstein (Remember ? ) house musuem. Then proceeded towards Luzerne. Luzerne is the home of the world famous cukoo clocks (the genuine ones are not affordable though by management trainees like me.. ;) )The swiss ppl are known for hospitalitailty but it was all the more exemplified when the tourism counter lady in the station spent abt an hour with us explaining everything abt travel is lucern and swiss. It was such a nice hospitable chat with her that it was so pleasant to talk on and on. Then we went for a boat cruise. It was such a beatiful boat cruise because, it was still drizzling and the clouds had coverd up most of the hills around and it was chilly winds on and a wodnerful cruize in Lake Luzerne.
Day 7 - Friday 31st (MOUNT PILATUS, LUZERNE)
This morning we took the golden panoramic pass fgrom Interlaken to Luzerne. It is the beatiful rail pass whech takes thru the hill side, lake side , river side and all possible panoramic views....One can just keep gazing on and on and on....Today was was another day of high altitude peaks....with lots of panoramic views in line for us..On reaching LuZerne took a long 2 hour boat ride to Alpanchad. From Alpan chad took the worlds steepest rail 48 degrees climbing upwards.. oops...indeed the train was going upward in that angle. Indeed worlds steepest.....It was a 40 mins ride to the peak. MOUNT PILATUS....Mount Pilatus - spent some time there and trekd to another peak near by for a couple of hours and one reaching the peak, it was just clouds everywhere with chilly winds just ready to push u thru. On getting back to Pilatus, boarded on to the cable car. The cable car ride down Mount Pilatus is the World's longest Gondola ride. Indeed a wonderful cable car ride amindst the pine trees from the top of the peak to down..... cutting thru the clouds the pine trees and views that just rests in the eyes all through. Also in the middle, got down for a couple of hours at Seilpark, which is an adventure park and me also rode togglebun, which is apparently worlds longest tobblegun route. which is indeed lots of fun....another worlds/europe's longest/ just doesnt stop...hmmmm..........
Once back to Luzern, went on to see the WEEPING LION statue and according to Mark Twain (Tom Sawyer writer - I think I am right), this is the most 'moving' peice of art...definately, i cant understand what art is, so no comments.. You can look for yourself
After another long wonderful day, back to Backpacker's in Interlakenn,spent some time with Fussball (all of us must have seen it in Friends)
Day 8 - Saturday 1st (ZURICH AIRPORT - SWISS Hospitality bowls over)
Checkd out from Backpacker's in Interlaken, headed for Orelikon to pick up our luggaage and reachd Zurich Flughafen (airport). Just to add one small incident, which indeed has taught quite few learning. We were at the Orelikon station in another platform waiting for our train to get on to the Aiport. But there was an empty train which was not supoposed to board any passengers in Orelikon which came for a halt there. Seeing us with all the luggage, the train driver comes to us and checks out if we are heading for Flughafen (airport). On knowing yes, he asked to get on to the train and there we go to the aiport. We were the only 5 passengers in the entire train going to Airport. Well no one asked the train driver and the next scheduled train was gonna be there in anopther 10 mins and we were fine with it. But then Swiss hospitality speaks it all. Reaching airport, did nothing much that day and spent most of the time in the airport as the flight for London was in the evening. The flight got delayed and finally reachd Heathrow at 8 30 PM. To our despair, we apparently reachd at a time, when there was maximumm arrivals, and thus immagration took about two hours and I reachd my place of stay in South Kensigton in Mid Night...
Day 8 - Saturday 1st (ZURICH AIRPORT - SWISS Hospitality bowls over)
Checkd out from Backpacker's in Interlaken, headed for Orelikon to pick up our luggaage and reachd Zurich Flughafen (airport). Just to add one small incident, which indeed has taught quite few learning. We were at the Orelikon station in another platform waiting for our train to get on to the Aiport. But there was an empty train which was not supoposed to board any passengers in Orelikon which came for a halt there. Seeing us with all the luggage, the train driver comes to us and checks out if we are heading for Flughafen (airport). On knowing yes, he asked to get on to the train and there we go to the aiport. We were the only 5 passengers in the entire train going to Airport. Well no one asked the train driver and the next scheduled train was gonna be there in anopther 10 mins and we were fine with it. But then Swiss hospitality speaks it all. Reaching airport, did nothing much that day and spent most of the time in the airport as the flight for London was in the evening. The flight got delayed and finally reachd Heathrow at 8 30 PM. To our despair, we apparently reachd at a time, when there was maximumm arrivals, and thus immagration took about two hours and I reachd my place of stay in South Kensigton in Mid Night...
SO HERE I ARRIVE AT LONDON.......................First impressions, London is much like Bombay, Lot of Indians/asians and in particular Chinkis, they seem to be everywhere. Huge crowd, traffic (though a little regulated).
Its said - BEAUTY IS IN THE EYES OF BEHOLDER. One just needs eyes to be in swiss land, rest would be taken care of.
Its said - BEAUTY IS IN THE EYES OF BEHOLDER. One just needs eyes to be in swiss land, rest would be taken care of.
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