'There is some problem for sure' - This is what am saying to myself.....
Its friday morning....... Its 7:00 AM........... i have already put in two rounds of 'shaving cream' on my face and am fiddling around with the shaving brush to generate the lather, so that I can have a smooth shave......
But interestingly for the first time i am facing a 'unique' problem..... I have already applied more than sufficient cream on the face/brush, but still no lather has been generated...... I add additional water thinking that may be some foam would be generated, but it goes in vain.... Now i start thinking, may be 'shaving cream' has expired, i look up at the tube to see if i can spot the manufacturing/expiry date, but cannot spot.... I am still amazed as to why no lather is being generated.... Now i think, may be the shaving brush has become ineffective in doing its 'rightful job' - rationalizing to myself that may be since i have been using the brush for more than year, the bristles must have weakened and the cream must have dipped down to the bottom of the brush and thereby there is no cream on the top of the brush...So i gaze on the brush, but again to my dismay, the brush is looking fine and is just looks the way it usually looks....
Now i dont know whats gone wrong, i think there is some problem in either the shaving cream or the shaving brush......
I dont wanna think more and find the out where the problem lies...So i decide to live with the problem for now i.e. (in this case, a non-lather generatng cream)...
So i apply the cream (of course no lather and foam) and start shaving with the razor...
As I shave, I turn my head to the right side of my face, that i suddenly spot my Gillete Shaving Gel...
"Huh"... This is what am saying to myslef....
I now realize that i had not been using my Gillete Shaving gel but rather i was applying Brylcream anti-dandruff cream on my face....
I now immediately wash of my shaving brush and my face.. I apply the Gillete shaving cream on my face/brush and now apply water, sufficent lather is generated and i am so relieved that i am having a smooth shave....
The whole of the above mentioned episode must not have lasted more than a few minutes.....
But i gave a little thought to the whole incident and i guess, i had some interesting thoughts that came on to my mind.... I actually felt that there were interesting lessons that I could decipher out of it:
Firstly, I was looking around in spotting where was the problem lying....I have already externalized the problem from myself 'was there a problem with the shaving cream or may be some problem with the shaving brush'.So i was actually looking for problem 'outside'
Secondly, I had actually concluded that there is some problem elsewhere, unable to spot the problem (thereby not able to rectify it), i decide to live with the problem (in this case to continue shaving with hair cream)
Thirdly, i had initially made the wrong choice of picking up the Brylcream rather than the Gillete cream (both were next to each other on the rack above the wash basin)... I never at any point during my problem identification stage (in this case trying to spot why the cream was not generating lather) did i actually give a thought if i had actually made a wrong choice or if there were any mistake that I had done from my end...
Well, After my shaving I actually sat down and pondered over how interesting this small (apparently insignificant) episode actually made a lot of sense and is for sure significant in actually teaching me quite a few lessons.

Its friday morning....... Its 7:00 AM........... i have already put in two rounds of 'shaving cream' on my face and am fiddling around with the shaving brush to generate the lather, so that I can have a smooth shave......
But interestingly for the first time i am facing a 'unique' problem..... I have already applied more than sufficient cream on the face/brush, but still no lather has been generated...... I add additional water thinking that may be some foam would be generated, but it goes in vain.... Now i start thinking, may be 'shaving cream' has expired, i look up at the tube to see if i can spot the manufacturing/expiry date, but cannot spot.... I am still amazed as to why no lather is being generated.... Now i think, may be the shaving brush has become ineffective in doing its 'rightful job' - rationalizing to myself that may be since i have been using the brush for more than year, the bristles must have weakened and the cream must have dipped down to the bottom of the brush and thereby there is no cream on the top of the brush...So i gaze on the brush, but again to my dismay, the brush is looking fine and is just looks the way it usually looks....
Now i dont know whats gone wrong, i think there is some problem in either the shaving cream or the shaving brush......
I dont wanna think more and find the out where the problem lies...So i decide to live with the problem for now i.e. (in this case, a non-lather generatng cream)...
So i apply the cream (of course no lather and foam) and start shaving with the razor...
As I shave, I turn my head to the right side of my face, that i suddenly spot my Gillete Shaving Gel...
"Huh"... This is what am saying to myslef....
I now realize that i had not been using my Gillete Shaving gel but rather i was applying Brylcream anti-dandruff cream on my face....
I now immediately wash of my shaving brush and my face.. I apply the Gillete shaving cream on my face/brush and now apply water, sufficent lather is generated and i am so relieved that i am having a smooth shave....
The whole of the above mentioned episode must not have lasted more than a few minutes.....
But i gave a little thought to the whole incident and i guess, i had some interesting thoughts that came on to my mind.... I actually felt that there were interesting lessons that I could decipher out of it:
Firstly, I was looking around in spotting where was the problem lying....I have already externalized the problem from myself 'was there a problem with the shaving cream or may be some problem with the shaving brush'.So i was actually looking for problem 'outside'
Secondly, I had actually concluded that there is some problem elsewhere, unable to spot the problem (thereby not able to rectify it), i decide to live with the problem (in this case to continue shaving with hair cream)
Thirdly, i had initially made the wrong choice of picking up the Brylcream rather than the Gillete cream (both were next to each other on the rack above the wash basin)... I never at any point during my problem identification stage (in this case trying to spot why the cream was not generating lather) did i actually give a thought if i had actually made a wrong choice or if there were any mistake that I had done from my end...
Well, After my shaving I actually sat down and pondered over how interesting this small (apparently insignificant) episode actually made a lot of sense and is for sure significant in actually teaching me quite a few lessons.
After all, its all about choices.....